Solo Review- Severance (2006)

Severance (2006)

Sub-Genre- Horror Comedy

Cast Members of Note- Laura Harris, whom I fondly remember getting naked in The Faculty.

In Attendance
- Me...

What's it about?- For those of you that thought this movie is about actress Joan Severance, like I did, you're about to be disappointed. The woman has been naked in 5,233 movies, give or take, and I was all set for a retrospective of her nudity and sex, but no... she's nowhere to be seen!

Sorry Joan, we'll always have Lake Consequence.

Luckily, the movie was good enough to make me forget how upset I was: A bunch of Brit businessmen(and chicks) head into the Hungarian mountains for a team-building weekend (wow, now that's a motivational tool worth never exploring), and they all get their asses kicked by the locals.

Needless to say, that Hungary has it's share of inbred mountain folk just like the deep south does in the U.S.A., although their version is a tad more militant and they carry fully automatic weapons and flamethrowers; also, they're vengeful Russians. The cold war never fully ended, did it!?!?!

So the creepy Russian ex-militants let loose the dogs of war; they send a highly trained attack spider to wreak havoc against the foreigners, but the attempt was foiled; They leave a special pie in the fridge for them, booby-trapped with teeth, but that doesn't do the trick either; soon enough, they resort to good old fashioned methods of mayhem like bear traps and Gymkata to kill the limey invaders. That's right, I said Gymkata!

Try as you may, you just can't kill Hungarian hookers.

I wont ruin the ending here, save to say that two Hungarian hookers save the day. This is why I love whores.

The Good- An overall fun film, that mixes comedy and gore in just the right measure. I was waiting to be pissed off, as I am with most Horror/Comedy hybrids, but the filmmakers and actors alike pull it off and managed to make me smile a wee bit.

I like the mean-spirited feel of the kills; a lot was done tongue in cheek, but they still packed the gore in, and made me wince a few times.

The Bad- Why was there no sex going on here??? Four chicks, two of the hookers, and not one person got any... although all of the killing may have put the kibosh on that...

The Downright Horrendous- That fucking pie; I mean, would you have eaten that?

The Gory- The hunting knife in the ass was the highlight for me, although severed limbs and bloody violence were plentiful. The bear trap was a nasty touch as well.

The Naked- Hungarian hookers trapped in a pit... Need I say more?

I will say no more.

What did we learn?- Finding the right lodge to begin with helps a lot, and saves everyone from being brutally killed. Also, don't mess with Hungarian hookers unless you want to have a fight on your hands!

- B+ This one is worth an own for me, and at least a rent for most of you. It's a good and goofy time that should satisfy the blood hungry among us.

Final Thoughts

Laura Harris is in this.

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