Bill Richardson Endorses Barack Obama

One of the highest-ranked Hispanic politicians in the nation just endorsed Barack Obama. Bill Richardson, former presidential candidate and current governor of New Mexico had tremendous foriegn policy chops. He also was appointed twice by Bill Clinton to cabinet-level posts. Much of Richardson's political success is due to Team Clinton. Bill watched the Super Bowl earlier this year at Richardson's house. With all of that inside knowledge about Team Clinton ... Richardson chose to endorse Barack Obama.

Check out the enthusiastic endorsement he gave Obama earlier today:

It is good to see positive news coming from the Obama campaign again after such a negative few weeks. Obama needs to send Richardson directly after the 40 Hispanic super-delegates that are undeclared at this moment. I suspect that Richardson hopes to be considered for either Secretary of State or Vice President in Obama administration.

Heck, look again at that picture of Bill Clinton watching the Super Bowl. You can almost tell from Clinton's body language that he knew that he wasn't going to win Richardson's endorsement!

What is your take on this Richardson endorsement? Can endorsements from Al Gore, Joe Biden or John Edwards be far behind?
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