Being Serena Williams

I know that you are thinking that I look for any excuse to share photos of Serena here in the Village for prurient reasons. But, that is not the case this time! Native Son beat the drum to share news that Serena was the victim of racist comments during her tennis match earlier this week.

According to Serena, a white spectator called her the N-word.

The guy said, ‘Hit the net like any Negro would,’ ” Williams said, later explaining she had cleaned up the language for the news conference and that he actually used the N-word. “I was shocked. I couldn’t believe it. I had to do a double take. I think I hit a double fault on that point.”

You know that we live in a rough environment you cannot escape racism and racist comments even while doing your job ... as Serena was doing on the tennis court. If being Serena Williams doesn't exempt us from such negativity ... how can we expect it in our individual lives?

Yet, we must continue to uplift one another. As the famous philospher, Rodney King, once said, "Can't we just get along?" Well Villagers, any comments on the latest incidence of racial intolerance?
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