5 Blogs That Make Me Think

The evolution of the Electronic Village over the past couple of months has been a joy to experience. I started this blog with an idea that it would become an online oasis where elders from other parts of cyberspace would be willing to sit by our baobob tree in the center of the Village and share their wisdom with us. The stories we would tell around the fire would vary -- Alkebulan, Black culture, economic inclusion, family, information technology industry, science fiction, sports, youth education and other ecletic commentary would be shared in the Village.

It appears that our efforts are appreciated. A 30-something sister with an aptly-named blog, Not Fearing Change, nominated us for a Thinking Blogger Award. She wrote, "The Villager writes about social controversial topics. Items such as race; environment; social conditions. I have only been recently introduced to the blog. But I am slowly but surely becoming a common visitor. As well the Villager was oh so kind to sign me up for a new blog movement – I will let the Villager explain…"

My responsibility is to share the Thinking Blogger Award with five (5) blogs that make me think. There are many blogs and bloggers that I have come to read and respect. However, the five that I tag with this award are:
  1. Cincinnati Black Blog - I came across this blog over two years ago. It was the first and only blog that I read for most of those two years. It is run by Nathaniel Livingston. I respect Bro. Livingston for his persistence and consistency in sharing his controversial view of life for Black folks in Cincinnati, Ohio.
  2. Black Threads - My sister, Kyra Hicks, is a world-reknowned expert in the field of African American quilters. She published two books, a website and a blog on the topic. She is the one that explained to me that I could create a blog at no cost. I'm not a quilter, but, I admire the concentrated focus that Kyra puts into her blog.
  3. African American Opinion - I seek out bloggers of color. I seek out blogs that have information uplifting for people of African descent. Bro. Rock is the blogger that brings together more information for African Americans than I have seen in any four other blogs combined. It truly is a remarkable effort and I highly recommend this blog to anyone with an interest in nubian thought.
  4. The Federation - I don't publicize it much ... but, I'm a science fiction fan. I've read most books written by Isaac Asimov, Octavia Butler, Robert Heinlein, Frank Herbert and Larry Niven. I saw most episodes of ST:DS9 and ST:Voyager. So, it may not be surprising that the next blog that makes me think is based on a diary of a harassed Starfleet Officer in the 24th Century on the Star Trek of Life. I enjoy the photos, posts and the overall theme of this blog. The blog author goes by the moniker, 'Jean Luc Picard'. His blog makes you think and smile at the same time.
  5. Modern Musings - My favorite blogger is Danielle. Her random thoughts (musings) on a wide variety of issues always makes me think. She demonstrates a willingness to share her thoughts on some of the tough social issues of the day. Many of the design elements of the Electronic Village came as a result of my wandering in her blog. Hey, let me know if you figure out her profile photo ... is she laying down or what?

Anyhow, these are the five blogs that make me think. I encourage you to visit each of them and share your comments as you feel the spirit to do so.

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