Do Not Want- Diagnosis Death (2009)

I really wanted to like this movie. It's got the Flight of the Conchords guys in it,I have a weakness for British Horror, (my mistake, should have been NZ) and the premise sounded cool...

This is one of those "Do Not Want" movies that doesn't really suck, isn't shoddy, and has some likable actors doing a decent job, but it manages to make a mistake worse than anything else a horror flick can to lose its audience... it failed to be scary, even in the slightest. If I'm being honest, it was bland, dull, boring, slow, and it just made me not care at all what happened.

It plays like an episode of the old Goosebumps TV show; it's safe, and perhaps a bit endearing, but offers you nothing else. It's not "bad" but you ask yourself why in the hell you're watching it, because you know in the end it's going to leave you unfulfilled and wanting your wasted time back.

I really don't want to rip on this move, as I didn't hate it, but I'm obliged to tell you to go find another ghost story to watch unless you really need a nap.
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