Do Not Want- Paintball (2010)

This movie is such a mess, I don't even know where to start. The constant shaky cam might be a good place. The horribly written and acted characters might be another. Better yet, the shoddy story that felt like it had been written by a couple of middle school kids might be it too. Take your pick, it's all equally worthy of our collective venom.

The story borrows heavily from films like Martyrs and Hostel, with touches of Gamer and let's say every backwoods horror movie you've ever seen thrown in, and then shits on it all. A lot of it didn't make much sense, but it's basically about a group of tools on a paintball trip who realize soon enough that the game is real and the stakes are -dun,dun,dun- their lives! Interesting enough premise, but too bad the execution was so horrible.

Do these people know how to play paintball? They stand out n the open, talk loud and even scream. When people start dying, they still scream. Loudly and often. Once the first person was killed, wouldn't you think that shutting up and keeping out of plain sight might be for the best? So many of the characters actions were nonsensical or cheesy, that about 15 minutes in, I didn't care anymore. I really hate when characters are nothing more that plot devices, without a trace of depth or worth other than to be there, act stupid, and die.

I also hate when film makers treat me like I'm a moron. You see, if the camera is looking one way and we the audience can't see something, then neither can the characters, right? Even if it's something in plain view of all of them, like a body stretched out in the open right in front of most of them. IN PLAIN SIGHT. But the camera swings and... the characters react! Too much of the film made no logical sense, and again, within 15 minutes I was well past the point of wanting to watch anymore, though I did.

And what's with the shaky cam thing? the entire time, the camera jiggles and shakes as if were watching things from an unseen killers point of view, but were not. The killers POV was all shown through thermal imaging goggles, and the death scenes were mostly shown through them too, basically editing out any gore we may have seen. I don't get what the filmmakers were going for with most of it, but it grated on the nerves.

And the ending... what the hell even happened? Screw it. It just doesn't matter.

The Master Says- DO NOT WANT! That's right, the master was not pleased at all, and he thinks that neither will you be if you waste your time on this movie. Bad writing, bad acting, bad camera work, bad directing... I could go on and on about the bad points of this movie, but it would be a fruitless exercise. It's been a long time since a movie left me truly pissed off, and this is coming from a guy that was shaking mad after watching last year's Halloween 2. I think I'd actually watch that one again first.

Now had this girl been in the movie... no, it still would have sucked.
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