Daybreakers (2010)

"The first horror flick of the new decade is here, and it's... pretty good!"

Sub-Genre- Vampire

In Attendance- Me, Machine, Dave and... Machine's Dad?!?

Cast Members of Note- Ethan Hawke, Sam Neill, Willem Dafoe, Claudia Karvan and the HOT as all hell Isabel Lucas.

What's it About?- Daybreakers begins with a scene showing a cute little girl committing suicide by setting herself on fire. From that point on, any illusions about this movie being some cheesy romantic turd pile like Twilight go right out the window. Thank God.

"Maybe we could kill Edward Cullen with fire?"

In 2019, vampires rule the earth. The few humans that are left either hide out to avoid becoming food, or are hooked to machines and farmed for their blood, thus becoming food. Problems with this genius system arise when the vampires realize that soon, there wont be any humans left to milk, and they will all be screwed. Why are they screwed you ask? Well because without blood to sustain them, the blood suckers will become half vampire, half mongoloid atrocities.


Not wanting to turn into uncivilized monsters, there are those amongst the vamps that are trying to find a cure for their "condition." One of them, along with the help of Elvis and some hot chick, race against all time and hope to find a cure for vampire and save the world and reestablish dominance of the human race. Lead by Ethan Hawke. Think about that one. Ethan Hawke is humanity's only hope. Yeah.

"Yeah! Go kick some ass... Ethan Hawke?"

The Good- Daybreakers, aside from its faults, was a pretty damned decent vampire movie. Not only did it offer us a ton of blood and gore, but the look and feel of the everyday vampire society was really interesting and fun. I expected more action, and a little more vampire badness, but overall it worked with what it was trying to achieve; a look at a normal, average vampire society, if such a thing is possible.

Willem Dafoe and Sam Neill are great in this one too, but then when are they ever not great? They're so good that they even made me believe that Ethan Hawke was good too, which he kinda was. Wow, I just said that. You win this round, Ethan Hawke.

He always plays an awesome bad guy.

The Bad- Jump scares. Do we really need a bat to suddenly fly into the camera, accompanied by a sharp and loud musical cue, only to fly out of the camera just as quickly? Ooh, that's real scary. This movie certainly didn't need any of that crap, and it made me wince in shame and pain more than once.

The Downright Horrendous- I'm a bit upset that Isabel Lucas didn't get more screen time. She's so cute, and her character could have been so much more integral to the plot instead of just showing up and being rushed out of the storyline. Did I mention how adorably cute she was?

More, please.

The Gory- Vampire suicide, exploding vampires, vampire vomiting, staking, decapitation, poring blood, dripping blood, splashing blood... in short, yes, it's all kinds of gory.

The Naked- We get some human boobage, but it's not very sexy or hot.

Best Line- "
Living in a world where vampires are the dominate species is about as safe as bare backing a 5 dollar whore." Classic.

What did we learn?
- Ethan Hawke doesn't suck as much as we originally believed. Also, vampires are people too. But not really.

The Master Says- B- (7.0/10) Aside from the fact that we expected to see an all out vamp vs. human war and didn't, this was a pretty enjoyable blood sucker flick. The premise was interesting and the blood flowed freely, which is really all we can ask from a movie like this. It could have been a bit tighter in places, but all in all if you dig vampires, you'll probably dig this movie. Check it out if it's still in a theater near you.

Final Thoughts-

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