Rules and Ratings

It's pretty simple how the club and ratings work.

A- A horror classic (This is the same as 9/10 or 10/10)
B- A near classic, still great (7/10 or 8/10)
C- Average. Has certain issues that push it one way or the other (5/10 or 6/10)
D- Not so good. Were most likely never watching this again. (3/10 or 4/10)
DO NOT WANT- Utter garbage; We'd rather set kittens of fire and try to put them out with spiked baseball bats that waste our time on these.

How we do it?:

0- We are all friends that get together once or twice a week.
1- We watch horror movies from our collections.
2- We start with A, and work through them in order, until we reach Z.
3- Ok, so we really start with titles beginning with numbers, but #-Z sounds pretty wrong to me.
4- We post about them, and all things horror, here on our happy Lil' blog.

Since all of us can't get together in the same place at once to participate, we have divided ourselves into two groups; Group 1 will start at A and work through to Z, while Group 2 will begin at Z and work backwards to A. Trust me, it's easier for me this way... I'd go mad sitting through the same flicks over and over...

Our go-between, who constantly refers to himself as Machine, can attend either at his leisure. That's only because no one makes rules for him. Ever. I'm sure as fuck not starting here.

Machine is always watching.

I from time to time will catch a horror movie without anyone else around and that isn't from my collection, and thus will do a solo review on it. The solo's tend to be newer movies, which usually make me cry if I watch them alone. Lately I've been wetting myself too. The poop is next, I'm sure.

Our club is a cool way for friends to get together and have some fun. You should try it.
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