#3- American Psycho (2000)

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American Psycho (2000)

Sub-Genre- Serial Killer/Slasher

In Attendance- Me, Eryn, and The Vanilla Gorilla (Nicknames are used to protect the innocent, bear with us folks.)

What's it about?- Patrick Bateman, avid 80's music collector, divides his time educating people on the social implications of the music of such bands as Huey Lewis and the News and Phil Collins. He is also bat-shit nuts, and like to kill hookers, homeless people, and small kittens.

Lucky for him that he lives and kills in the 80's; possibly the most self indulgent and ignorant decade that we as humans have ever survived. While everyone else is talking about their portfolios and bone colored business cards, Patrick is spreading the message of utter insanity and the benefits of apricot facial scrubs. Hell no he isn't smarmy! He will ask a street hooker to was her vagina only to turn around and ask a high priced call girl to "Eat it." If that isn't blurring the socio economical lines of the class war, I don't know what is.

So he kills all sorts of people, all of them deserving (save for the dumb-as-a-sack-of-hammers model), doing so with a flair unmatched amongst the ranks of serial killers:

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Bat-shit crazy.

I wont ruin the ending, but I will say that it shows us that most people are clueless lemmings and definitely deserve to die.

The Good- Brilliant from start to finish, American Psycho blends disturbing imagery with a more than fitting social commentary about 80's excess. Christian Bale proves once again, that he is one of the most talented and diverse actors to ever grace the screen.

The Bad- Christian Bale's ass. This movie needed more of the ladies getting naked, especially Reese Witherspoon. Also, The habitrail scene, one of the nastiest scenes in the book, was omitted from the film. Think Starved rodent, a habitrail tube, and a hooker that deserves to be punished. Tell me that wouldn't be twisted and brilliant to see on the dvd.

Thats just wrong.

The Downright Horrendous- I cant believe he was going to feed the ATM machine a kitten!

What did we learn?- 80's music has something to say, and in fact, can change the world if only we'd listen closer.

Rating- A+ A Modern Day classic that you must own if you truly love horror. Also, Batman is in it.

Vanilla Gorilla's Raspberry's (5 being the worst)- He stayed mum on this one... methinks he was scared.

Reese Witherspoon is in this. Yum.

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