Our Mission Statement. Esentially.

Welcome. We do things a bit differently here, but I'll be damned if it doesn't work!

We here at The Horror Club love horror movies; we love them so much in fact, that we started a club about them. Hence the name of the blog.

Above all else, we are here to experience the beauty (and sometimes misery) of the horror film, both old and new. We want to roll around and bask in the filthy taint of celluloid terror as Rosie O'Donnell rolls around on piles of shaved ham, basking in her ravenous hunger. In other words, we REALLY love horror.

We watch, discuss, then review horror flicks; then we pretty much discuss the reviews we have just written. We like to think of what we do as giving you the tools that you may need, to walk the poisoned path along side of us. We do try to do that with a twist though: You may notice, from time to time, here and there, a bit of sarcasm and/or some random inappropriate humor thrown into the mix... I'll explain really quick...

The style of the blog is simply the way we all, as a group of friends, sit and discuss movies on a Friday night (sometimes on Saturday too, if Geo doesn't have to go cut his mom's grass or something.)

We really do sit around every week and watch movies; more importantly, we like to fancy ourselves witty and in the know, discussing what we watch, and trying our best to out-funny each other in the process. We do get to the crux of the movies we discuss for sure, but we like to laugh and dazzle ourselves with our crazy humor and wit along the way.

I know, it is kind of sad. It's who we are though. To me, it's a neat twist on a blog; most are so dull and technically oriented... Who cares what the aspect ratio of the DVD is? A true film geek like me already knows that crap; now tell me exactly why David Hasselhoff is scared of Bologna... and I'm hooked. Also, who doesn't enjoy funny pics of cats dong crazy thing, or pics of hot chicks being hot? (Fine, so it's mostly the men like that last one...)

This is how our club works in real life... seriously, we really do this:

Gather your friends, cram them all in a room with a TV, and the person with the biggest horror DVD collection supplies the goods; Then you just watch a movie or two, crap your pants, crap each others pants, maybe laugh a little here or there, and then discuss it all before you drive home. Alone. And yes, whatever you just watched may in fact kill you in the car, but that's all a part of the fun!

It's nearly guaranteed that everyone you know hasn't seen every horror movie you own, unless you only have 6 of them. It's like making someone a mixed tape of music that you love, and that they've never heard before; you absolutely owe it to them to share. If they don't end up loving the mixed tape like you do, they just can't be your friend anymore. They suck anyways, so why keep them hanging around?

Me being as anal as I am about my DVD collection (All of my movies are sorted by genre, and are arranged alphabetically within each genre), gave me the brilliant idea "Horror movies... Let's watch them all! We can go in order, A-Z!" All 250+ of them.

I get to share Argento and Bava, early Craven, and plenty of Cronenberg. I get to show my friends why the original is almost always much better than the remake. Same with the Japanese horror. I get to let someone experience exactly what Giallo is firsthand instead of trying to explain it when we talk.

We get to go through a horror history lesson. Together. Also, we get to hide on people when they go to the bathroom, and try our best to give them a massive coronary or a stroke when they come back. At very least, you should be going for tears. Good times, good times.

So this blog will document our A-Z journey through horrors hallowed halls. You know there will be lists too; Top 10 this, the 10 worst that, and anything else I need to preach about involving horror movies... or chicks from horror movies. Those are always nice too.

You should listen closely, I'm really good at this.

Also, I reserve the right to discuss anything that I'd like to, horror related or not. Deal with it.
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