Taser Nation Watches Valreca Redden and Officer Michael Wilmer On Videotape

Michael Wilmer is the Trotwood police officer that decided it was appropriate to taser a 120-pound pregnant Black woman. Over Analyze It beat the drums about this story earlier this week.

You can click here to read or download the police report.

However, a picture is worth a thousand words. Here is video recap with detailed explanation of what occurred on Nov 18th at the Trotwood Police Station when Officer Wilmer decided to use his taser gun on the back of the neck of Valreca Redden. You be the judge. Does this look like a righteous use of a taser gun?

I'm surprised to learn that Officer Wilmer is still working. No suspension. No administration duties assignments. He puts a pregnant woman down and it appears that his brothers in blue are surrounding him in love as if what he did is appropriate. Of course, it could be that police enjoy using that taser gun on people who pose no theat to them.

Villagers, what say u? Am I being too sensitive? Or does it seem like we are becoming a Taser Nation?
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