Stick a Fork in Hillary ... She is Done!

What happens to US Senators ... front-runners for the Democratic Presidential nomination ... when they break down and cry in the New Hampshire primaries?

They Lose!

1972 - Senator Edmund Muskie was the favorite to win the 1972 Democratic Presidential nomination. But being the front-runner for over a year proved difficult. During the New Hampshire primary, Muskie choked with anger broke down and cried because of a couple of nasty articles in the "Manchester Union Leader." Admittedly, one of the articles attacked his wife. There was no YouTube or citizen journalist back in 1972 ... so we don't have video of the incident. But, Muskie lost the nomination because he was considered to be too weak for the presidency.

2008 - Senator Hillary Clinton was the favorite to win the 2008 Democratic Presidential nomination. But being the front-runner for over a year proved difficult. During the New Hampshire primary, Clinton broked down into tears as she talked about the campaign. We have YouTube and citizen journalists in 2008 .... so you can check out the video.

Hillary lost the election with this crying jag. All of her work to be considered the Iron Maiden and her claims to be 'Ready' fall away with this 90-second video because it shows that she is too weak for the presidency.

History repeats itself. I would be interested to hear from Clinton supporters. Are you surprised at her 90-second breakdown on camera?
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