Happy Birthday Desmond Tutu From Everyone Except Folks in Minnesota

Drumbeats from Retabile tell us about St. Thomas University decision to ban Desmond Tutu from speaking on their campus. It turns out that having an enemy of the state speak on a college campus is easier than getting permission for a Nobel Laureate who was instrumental in ending apartheid in South Africa. C'mon St. Thomas University ... where is the love?

I thought that the decision to cancel Desmond Tutu from speaking on campus was simply a misguided birthday present of some sort. Today (October 7) is Desmond Tutu's birthday. But, it appears that the university officials were concerned that Jewish contributors might be offended by having a Nobel Laureate on their rooty-poot campus. Can you believe it? Who knew that Jewish power brokers held such power in Minnesota. I wouldn't be surprised if these same jerks at St. Thomas University aren't found regularly in Larry Craig's stall at the Minnesota airport.

I hope that some other major university will seize upon the opportunity to invite Desmond Tutu to speak on their campus since St. Thomas is too afraid of the dark to do so. Villagers, any thoughts you care to share on this issue?
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