Nazis at the Center of the Earth (2012)

I absolutely should have known better than to watch a movie from The Asylum and expect anything other than pure junk.

"Researchers in Antarctica are abducted by a team of masked storm troopers. They are dragged deep underground to a hidden continent in the center of the earth. Here Nazi survivors, their bodies a horrifying patchwork of decaying and regenerated flesh, are planning for the revival of the Third Reich."

Not as impressive as the Hitler Cyborg that shows u later, but still pretty cool looking.
To be fair, movies like this definitely appeal to the average Syfy movie fans out there, and some people are always up for some "so bad it was good!" type of entertainment. That's cool. As Z-grade schlock entertainment, The Asylum has no equal; they are like the modern day Troma, if you will. Troma, like The Asylum, was never in the business of making good movies. Instead they made cheesy, cheap, bad movies that a generation of genre fans fell in love with. I suppose The Asylum is now filling that role.

That being said, I really don't understand the whole concept. I get the whole "labor of love" thing, but at some point once you as a company have made some money, don't you want to get into the "labor of quality" business? That's not to say you have to churn out Oscar caliber material or anything, but couldn't you maybe just make things less painfully bad?

Then again, one of our own here at THC eats these movies up like they're going out of style, so meh.

Yes Dominique, it is that bad.
DO NOT WANT- Go ahead and loves these kind of flicks if you want to, but we just can't bring ourselves to stomach them. Bad acting, bad writing, awful special FX... we are not in The Asylum's core demographic.

She might not star in many good movies these days, but Dominique Swain is still a Hottie.

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