Happy Birthday: Luther Vandross (1951-2005)

Luther Vandross was born on this date 1951. I imagine that most villagers know about the legacy of this brother.

I remember when I first heard Luther's song Never Too Much. I played that song over and over to learn the lyrics. This was before you could go on the Internet and print out the lyrics like we do today. My goal was to repeat the lyrics to my first wife as a personal Valentines Day celebration.

Me and some of my buddies once took a limousine from Palm Springs to San Diego to attend a Vandross concert. I remember being amazed at how much his live concert sounded exactly like his albums. Do you remember the flawless bridge that he made between If Only For One Night and Creepin'?

Towards the end of his life he recorded a song that will always be one of my all-time favorites ... Dance With My Father.

Villagers, what is your favorite Luther Vandross memory or song?
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