The DVD Club for Tuesday, 10/13

Yes, yes, I know this post is late... it's been hectic here! Let's do this quick, October is killing me! Yes, I do like to whine, so shush.

Tuesday's always make us giddy. Why? Because there is nothing better than finally being able to get your mits on a DVD that kicks ass, that's why. On the flip side of that coin though, nothing sucks worse than grabbing a DVD and have it end up sucking. Taste and preference aside, we're here to help you avoid the crappy ones, so that you can revel in the dark glory that is good horror.

So let's take a look at what you should be buying or renting this week...

One of the best movies of the year- Pure fun. That's really it. Sam Raimi has returned to his classic horror form and delivered to us a movie worthy of our love and respect. You have to grab this one, even if it's just a rental, though I'd say buy it and add a great flick to your collection.

2 must-see sleepers- I've been raving about Killer Movie since I saw it earlier this year (it's even in our 31 Days of Horror countdown), and now I must rave some more... you need to see this movie! It's a fun, smart, teen slasher that is honestly heads and tails above most others of it's kind. Left Bank (or Linkeroever in its native Dutch) I haven't caught yet, but I've really been wanting to see this for the longest time. It's gotten pretty good word of mouth and has definitely piqued my interest...

2 must have classics- What really needs to be said about these, other than they are two of the better movies of their kind to come out of the 80's.

2 fun ones- I really like both of these, in different ways, and on different levels, and both are fun watches. Ok, maybe Gnaw isn't exactly "fun", but it might be if you're creepy as hell.

That's it for this week's notables on DVD. Support the genre and go buy or rent these flicks. WE are the lifeblood that keeps the horror heartbeat pulsing, and don't ever forget it! Just go enjoy some good movies, would ya?
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