Jena 6 Student Arrested in Texas

Sorry to share that one of the Jena 6 students, Bryant Purvis, was arrested this week in Carrollton, Texas. He was charged with misdemeanor assault after an altercation with another student at Hebron High School. Purvis was released on bail and suspended for three days from the school, where he enrolled as a senior after moving to the area to live with a relative.

This is a bad development for the 19-year old. His Jena attorney may have a tougher time getting a plea-deal with District Attorney Reed Walters.

Purvis' arrest is the latest in a series public embarrassments for the Jena defendants, who last summer attracted the sympathies of more than 300,000 petition signers and donations of more than $500,000 to their legal defense fund. [SOURCE]

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