Will Bill Richardson Become the Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson for Hispanics?

I think that Bill Richardson is an honorable man. He is a lifetime politician who has a strong resume. Nobody else from either party can talk about experience in national politics as governor, Secretary of Energy, US Ambassador to the United Nations and a 14-year congressman. He participated in 24 presidential debates over the past few months. He was a strong advocate for ending the war and bringing our troops home from Iraq. He also felt strongly about the need for a comprehensive energy policy.

However, he never got traction with voters in Iowa and New Hampshire. As such, he pulled out of the presidential campaign today. He joins Rev. Jesse Jackson and Rev. Al Sharpton as a former presidential candidate. Jackson and Sharpton have been treated as the 'de facto spokespersons' for any and every issue impacting on the Black community since they became former presidential candidates. Others have noted the same thing. If something happens tomorrow morning that impacts on the Black community ... then the mainstream media will use their speed dial to contact Jackson or Sharpton for a comment.

Now that Richardson is the first Hispanic person to run a credible campaign for national office ... and he is now a former presidential candidate ... I wonder if he will become the face of the Hispanic community within the mainstream media?.

Did you ever wonder why no other community has so-called national spokespersons like we are given by the mainstream media in our Black community. If the Asian community jumps off into some controversy ... who does the mainstream media call? If the Italian community is upset by a movie that portrays their culture in a negative light ... who does the mainstream media call?

Villagers, will the mainstream media call on Bill Richardson the next time there is a national crisis in the Hispanic community now that he is a former presidential candidate? What say u?
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