If It is OK to 'Lynch' Tiger Woods ... Is It OK to 'Gas' a Jewish Golfer?

Drumbeats from SerenityLife told us about recent comments from broadcaster Kelly Tilghman who said young golfers challenging Tiger Woods should "lynch" him. Tilghman uttered the remark during coverage of Hawaii's Mercedes-Benz Championship on Friday, while she and and co-host Nick Faldo were bantering about how young golfers might challenge ever-dominant Woods.

Faldo said, "To take Tiger on, well yeah, they should just gang up for a while until ..."

"Lynch him in a back alley," Tilghman interrupted with a chuckle.

Woods says he considers Tilghman a friend, saw no malicious intent in remark. Villagers, at what point do we hold people accountable for hate-speech. I disagree with Tiger Woods. It is very malicious to indicate on public television that there is something to 'chuckle' about when you indicate that a Black man should be 'lynched'.

I'm confident that Ms. Tighman would not have chuckled in talking about a Jewish golfer and indicating that his opponents should 'gas him in a back alley'. She would know from her upbringing and from societial pressures that talking about gassing a Jewish person is beyond the pale. Just like talking about lynching a Black man is beyond the pale as well.

Brothers and sisters ... enough is enough! I agree with Al Sharpton on this one. Tilghman should be fired. Just like Imus. Just like Al Campanis. Just like any public figure that publically chuckles about lynching of a Black man. It is unacceptable in America and Tilghman should be called on the carpet about it. I'm uncertain if a two-week suspension is enough.

The Golf Channel, founded in 1991 by media entrepreneur Joseph Gibbs, employs 300+ people at their corporate headquarters in Orlando FL. Does anyone have contact information for Mr. Gibbs? If not, then I encourage you to express your feelings on Ms. Tilghman's racist comments directly to the The Golf Channel website.

I don't consider myself a "politically correct vigilante". I simply realize that the history of lynching is such in our country that it should never be a joking matter.

What say u?
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