Hush (2009)

I will not Hush about Hush!...

Sub-Genre- Truck Driver Terror

In Attendance- Me

Cast Members of Note- William Ash and Christine Bottomley.

What's it About?- A jerky British wannabe writer and his girlfriend are driving around and fighting (mostly because he's a whiny bitch), when they see a naked girl caged in the back of a passing truck, screaming for help. Naturally, they decide to stick their nose into business where it doesn't belong, and everything goes to hell.

Next time, stay in your car, dummy.

The jerky boyfriend wants to forget about the odd truck and let the police handle it, but no, the girlfriend has to bitch and moan about "helping" and "doing the right thing" until he gives in and messes with the truck driver... which leaves her kidnapped. Despite her having just dumped him, he decides to try and rescue her anyways which leaves him framed for murder, hunted by the cops and the maniac, and best of all, free of her god-awful bitching.

Hold on loosely, but don't let go... (I love that song.)

Will he find his girlfriend and live unhappily ever after? Will the Tarman kill them both? Will I ever get tired of British horror flicks? I won't spoil what comes next here, but suffice it to say that this movie may have the best ending ever. (I may be over stating it a bit, but I just really loved it.)

The end.

The Good- This movie is a really clever cat & mouse sort of thriller that uses some twists and tricks that actually surprised me. Some of the usual annoyances were present, such as slightly annoying characters, but that was a very small thing to put up with and didn't distract too much from the over all enjoyment that the movie gave me.

The tension was palpable here too, and William Ash did a great job conveying it through his performance. He started off as a bit of a ponce at the beginning, but by the end he had me rooting him on. We will see him again, and soon I imagine.

On a final note, I have to say that I really liked the ending to this movie. I won't say anything about it because I hate ruining shit for other people, but it was just nice to see something awesome for a change... I hope you get what I mean when you see it for yourself.

The Bad-
Dude... why always the dog! What did the cute, sweet little guy do that was so wrong that he deserved to die? How about let's start killing some cats maybe... or gerbils. Who gives a good Goddamn about Gerbils?

The Downright Horrendous- At the point where I look at an incoming text on my girlfriends phone ( just after she's been kidnapped), and it's from a guy who basically says "Thanks for letting me finger you last night baby!", my happy ass would have stopped chasing the serial killer who had her in his truck, turned the car around, and let her enjoy her rape/death/or rape and death. Bitch.

Here's an idea hun; maybe see if your secret lover can finger you out of trouble? Good luck.

The Gory- Eye Violence, hand violence, random old people murder, murdered cops... This one isn't gory by any stretch, but it has it where it counts.

The Naked- Nope.

Asian Zombie Guy calls B.S. on this no nudity B.S.!

Best Line- "Remember me, you c**t?"

What did we learn?
Mind your own business. Also, don't leave chicks alone in public or they'll get themselves kidnapped.

Rating- B+ (8.5/10) I got more out of this movie than I thought I was going to, and was quite pleased when it was all over.
If you like cat & mouse thrillers, then this is for you. It's clever, fresh, and a hell of a thrill ride that you should definitely check out when you get the chance.

Final Thoughts-
The name of the villain in this movie is The Tarman, which is never really explained, or even mentioned unless I missed it, but that's not my issue here... There can be only one true Tarman, and he's the coolest zombie of all time, and he yells "Brains!", and he rules... So nice job stealing his identity, Hush!

There can be only one!
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