Better than the last one...

Not a bad batch at all; One really good movie that we didn't review here (wasn't really horror), a pretty good Coffin Joe flick, 2 strong C's, a D+, and one DO NOT WANT... I liked them all on some level except for Born; even Plaguers, which was a mess of a film, managed to be fun in a cheesy kind of way, which I can definitely appreciate now and then.

In order of coolness, from good-suck:
Embodiment of Evil- This movie was insane.
Downloading Nancy- I'm not going to review this one here, as it wasn't really horror, but I will say this; Downloading Nancy was both disturbing and engrossing. A great movie, but a hard watch. Check it out if you like dysfunctional shit.
Backwoods- Not bad, and in fact, far better than I expected it was going to be.
Deadgirl- Not as good as I'd hoped it would be, but it had some pretty redeemable qualities about it. Aside from the ignorant characters and their insanelt stupid actions, I liked most of it.
Plaguers- Um... it sucked, but still managed to be kinda fun? It's like a Sci-Fi channel movie but enjoyable, if that makes any sense.

The next group of movies could go either way... It really is a crap shoot every time, isn't it?

*Dont forget, reviews for all of these flicks are below somewhere, as always.
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