The True Blood Season Finale

I fucking love this show; I try not to use my curse words too blatantly here, but having just seen the season finale, I'm fired up. I'm also pissed. We have to wait until next summer to find out what happens next?!? Ugh.

OMG, spoilers!

We saw Rene finally revealed as the killer, almost killing Sookie and Sam, and nearly Bill by default; We saw Bill burn himself to a crisp in broad daylight trying to save Sookie; We saw Sam show his true colors by not letting Bill die; We saw Lafayette attacked, and show up two weeks later in the back seat of Andy's car, and we don't know if he's alive or dead; We saw Tara falling under Maryann's spell, and that she isn't exactly just a kind soul as she pretends to be; Sam not only knows Maryann, but she seems not to like him, and I'm wondering what he was doing with all of that money in the sack at the end; Jason has fallen under the spell of a bunch of religious nut anti-vampire freaks; We saw Terry, the shell shocked war vet make sweet with Arlene; We saw Eric and Pam dump Jessica on Bill, because she's too much for even them to handle... We saw a lot!

Why isn't he sparkling in the sunlight like the Twilight vampires do? Oh, because he's actually a vampire.

What True Blood gave us this season:
-Sookie fell in love with a vampire, Fell in love with a shape shifter, saw her grandmother die, nearly died herself, caught a murderer, got laid, and came more to grips with her abilities...
-Bill fell in love with a human, nearly got drained, gave away some vampire secrets, killed one of his own, went on trial, turned a human into a bloodsucker, nearly died, and got saddled with a hot little headache...
-Tara gave all kinds of attitude, slept with her boss, had an exorcism, and was rescued by a witchy woman...
-Lafayette cracked me up every episode, sold some V, was really gay, had gay sex for money, laid the smack down on some cracka's, and would up in the back of a cops car...
-Sam loved Sookie, annoyed me, turned into a cool little dog, banged Tara, annoyed me less, saved Sookie's life, saved Bill's life, was "found' by Tara's new friend, and ended up making me like him...
-Eric ruled!
-Jason annoyed me to no end...
-The secondary characters mad things pretty interesting. Pam, Jessica, Eddie, Rene, Terry, Gran, Amy... the all made the show better, deeper, and just more enjoyable.
-There was plenty of sex and nudity, which is something that more prime time shows desperately need!


So what will happen next season?
-What is up with Lafayette? He better not be dead!!!!!!!!!!!!
-Who did Bill feed on? It better not be Lafayette!
-How big of a mess is Tara Really in? Will she eat Eggs? (LOL. See what I did there?)
-How does Sam know The Maenad(Maryann)? what was he doing putting all of that money in a bag?
-How much trouble will Jessica cause? Will she get naked?
-Will Terry (shell-shock) get lucky with Arlene?
-Will Jason's douche-baggery ever end?

Whether you think True Blood is the best show on TV, just decent, or you really couldn't get into it, we as horror fans all won; A major network ran a quality vampire show that met both critical and ratings success. Horror gained a little bit of credibility this fall, and not even that god-awful Twilight can taint that. (Sorry, I had to.)

Thanks for giving us a great showHBO; now try not to cancel it prematurely like you did Deadwood, Rome and Carnivale.

Season 2 needs to hurry up and get here!

Me too girls, me too.
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