'All Black People Should Die' Says White Man as He Plows His Car Into Young Black Woman

UPDATE: Thomas Cosby is the 56-year-old Port Orange man, charged this summer with two hate-crime felonies for running over a Black woman (see below). He has been declared mentally unable to proceed with his court case and is being committed to a state hospital. [SOURCE]

Villagers, it may take awhile for us to reach some post-racial era in America. There are still some neanderthals out in the world that harbor hatred for us simply because of the color of our skin.

Thomas Cosby is a white guy in Daytona Beach who intentionally ran down Nekedia Cato, a 25-year old woman, with his car last month because she is Black and then yelled "all Black people should die" and other racial slurs at the injured woman.

Cosby admitted to hitting Cato on purpose with his car and then calling her the N-word repeatedly after breaking her leg.

Witnesses said Cosby screamed, "These Black people need to die. Help me kill them. I saw her on the bike and went to take her out."

"I actually saw him coming toward me and I tried to move," Cato said from a hospital bed. "He came straight for me. If he could target me just because the color of my skin he could target anybody else. It could have been anybody else who was just riding or just walking. If I was walking I'd probably be dead right now."

Daytona police reports indicated that Cosby just had a breakup with his girlfriend who was involved in a relationship with a Black man. Police plan to charge Cosby under hate crime statutes as well as aggravated battery and simple battery.

"I don't have hate in my heart," Cato said. "I just wish he didn't hate me."
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