2000's Horror Hottie(s) - The Girls of Grindhouse

Rose McGowan, Marley Shelton, The Crazy Babysitter Twins, Jordan Ladd, Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Rosario Dawson, Sheri Moon Zombie... And that's only 8 of the 13 hot chicks in Grindhouse; (I know I'm leaving a few names off of this list, especially the hot as hell Vanessa Ferlito, but the post can only be so long folks... Plus, I'm not exactly Fergie's biggest fan.)

The Crazy Babysitter Twins- This may be the hottest picture ever taken, and if you don't understand why, you clearly have no soul (and/or penis.) Also, you may be gay. In short, you're a soulless gay man with no penis.

Marley Shelton- Grindhouse, Valentine, Dark Shadows (TV); She's been scaring audiences, and my pants, since 2001.

Mary Elizabeth Winstead- Grindhouse, Black Christmas, Final Destination 3, The Ring Two, Monster Island (TV), Wolf Lake (TV); Good lord, she is so hot that I even went and tracked down her appearance in Touched by an Angel... Turns out that it didn't have anything to do with an Angel acting inappropriately. Sigh.

Rosario Dawson- Grindhouse, The Devil's Reject's (Scenes Deleted); Fine, she's not really much of a horror starlet, but just look at that picture. Look closely. Don't rush, take your time... Excuse me, I'm going to grab the peanut butter.

Rose McGowan- Grindhouse, Charmed (TV); Cherry Darling... not only is she smoking hot, but the bitch had a machine gun leg!

Sheri Moon Zombie- Grindhouse, The Toolbox Murders, House of 1000 Corpses, The Devil's Rejects, Halloween; A modern day Scream Queen, she makes me want to be Rob Zombie's penis for just one day. Maybe Two.

Jordan Ladd- Grindhouse, Cabin Fever, Club Dread, Madhouse, Hostel II; Even though she appears to only have one nipple in the picture above, I know better; I've seen her naked! Hotness.
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