31 Days of Creepy Kids- Day 26, The Kids of [REC] & [REC] 2

If there's been a series of movies that has best utilized the creepiness of possessed/infected/zombie kids in the past 10 years, it's the [REC] series. And no, don't even mention the 15 installments of the Children of the Corn series... those don't count as movies.

[REC] 1&2 are the story of a virus that breaks out in a Spanish apartment building, forcing the government to quarantine (hence the name of the American remake) its residents, basically fating them to die painfully, and become infected demon-zombies.

Aside from the "Markos Woman" in the penthouse, perhaps the most terrifying aspect of the movies, are the infected kids. There's a bunch of them; some traveling in a pack in the attic; some skittering around in the dark like rats; and some channeling the "demon" controlling them all, and speaking.

As you can see, there are all sorts of little creepers running around in the [REC] movies, and really, they are the stuff of nightmares. If you need a fix of creepy kids doing awful, creepy things, then back to back viewing of these flicks will feed your hunger.

The Master Says- If you haven't seen [REC] or [REC] 2, you need to get off of your ass and do so pronto, because you're missing out on 2 really great movies. You're also missing out on the hotness of Manuela Velasco, and that isn't something to be taken lightly either, my friends...

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