25 Writers Shaping My World

Originally Posted: 3/23/2009
Sojourner and Raw Dawg Buffalo tagged me with a unique meme that requires me to list 25 writers who have influenced me. Below are my 25:
  1. Na'im Akbar
  2. Scott Alexander
  3. Robert G. Allen
  4. Derrick Bell
  5. Octavia Butler
  6. Agatha Christie
  7. Jim Clingman
  8. Ralph Ellison
  9. Melvin Gravely II
  10. John Grisham
  11. Arthur Haley
  12. Robert Heinlein
  13. Napoleon Hill
  14. Kyra Hicks
  15. Robert Kiyosaki
  16. Louis L'Amour
  17. Tim Lahaye
  18. Robert Ludlum
  19. Og Mandino
  20. Walter Mosely
  21. Larry Niven
  22. Barack Obama
  23. Robert J. Ringer
  24. Ralph Wiley
  25. Richard Wright
I'm not sure that villagers will even know half of these authors. Feel free to ask me about any of them. I've enjoyed books from these authors throughout the course of my life.

A few of my AfroSpear colleagues have talked about starting a book club. However, we haven't moved very far with that idea. Maybe this meme will get us going.

The rules say that I'm supposed to tag 25 others. I am interested to see the 25 influential authors listed by La Shawn Barber, Necole Bitchie, Julius Clark, Mike Collins, Cheryl Contee, Kai Dupe, Milt Haynes, Karen, Danielle Lee, Los Angelista, Ajuan Mance, Marenda, Kevin Myles, Tariq Nelson, Keith Owens, Daryl Plummer, Monica Roberts, Cliff Samuel, Pam Spaulding, Baratunde Thurston, Urban Scientist, Jose Vilson, Shawn Williams, Oliver Willis and Womanist Musings.

The act of creating the list of influential authors makes me want to read more over the coming days and weeks. I'm currently reading 'Free Lunch: How the Wealthiest Americans Enrich Themselves at Government Expense (And Stick You With the Bill)' by David Cay Johnston. What are you reading now?
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