Keith Olbermann Suspended Without Pay by MSNBC

NBC president Phil Griffin indefinitely suspended Keith Olbermann.  Griffin wrote,
Became aware of Keith’s political contributions late last night. Mindful of NBC News policy and standards, I have suspended him indefinitely without pay.”
Olbermann acknowledged to NBC that he donated $2,400 apiece to the campaigns of Kentucky Senate candidate Jack Conway and Arizona Reps. Raul Grijalva and Gabrielle Giffords.  He didn't think it was a big deal because he never told others, either privately or publicly, to make donations.

However, Olbermann didn't get prior approval for the donation.  NBC News prohibits its employees from working on, or donating to, political campaigns unless a special exception is granted by the news division president -- effectively a ban. Olbermann's bosses did not find out about the donations until after they were made.

The policy seems stupid.  There is nothing illegal about making a donation ... so why should an employee be penalized for doing so.

On another level, it seems hypocritical because one of the major news networks (Fox) gave $1 million dollars to the Republican Governors Association without any consequence.   Yet, a major news network is suspending, without pay, one of their commentators for giving $2,400 to three candidates?

Progressives took a shellacking during the mid-term elections on Tuesday.   Now it appears that some progressives are being eaten alive in the aftermath.

If this isn't resolved quickly then I don't see how or why Keith Olbermann comes back to the network.   Like Conan or Juan Williams ... it seems likely that another network may make a lucrative offer to Olbermann.

In the meantime, the call for a boycott of MSNBC has already been made by at least one progressive organization.
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