Day 2- 30 Days of Night: Dark Days (2010)

#8- 30 Days of Night: Dark Days (2010)- We loved 30 Days of Night, and were totally expecting the sequel to suck... but it didn't. It wasn't quite as good as its predecessor, but Dark Days was a pretty damn good direct to DVD horror flick, and that's saying a lot.

The hot as hell Kiele Sanchez takes over for Mmmelissa George as Stella, who is now living in LA, looking to dish out some sexy revenge on the vampires who killed her hubby. She teams up with Billy from Entourage, Michael from LOST, and Diora Baird's tits, and together they launch an all out assault on Lilith, the vampire queen. Bloody, bloody mayhem ensues.

Incidentally, this is the second day in a row we've seen a movie involving an evil bitch named Lilith. Coincidence? We think not.

Dark Days is a fun vampire flick, based again on the graphic novel series written by Steve Niles, so the story is just as solid as it was in the first movie. Kiele Sanchez did a great job as Stella this time around, although we did miss Mmmelissa George. Mia Kershner also makes a hot vampire queen.

B+ (8.5/10) It may not be as good of a movie as the first one was, but 30 Days of Night: Dark Days can be proud of itself, as it does the vampire genre...well, proud. Bloody, violent, action packed, and entertaining, this movie is perfect for October viewing.

As an added bonus, here is some visual yum for you to enjoy:

That's 8/100 movies watched so far, so we had better get back to it... now where is the cheese grater...
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