Another remake, another WTF?!?

Who in the hell is Breck Eisner? Oh, he directed the gem of a movie Sahara with Matthew McConaughey. He's also the man behind the remake of Romero's classic, The Crazies. So naturally, he should be the one to remake Cronenberg's even more classic The Brood, right? Right?

No. First off, that movie doesn't need to be remade. At all. Second, even if it did, how in the hell can you even hope to remake it anywhere near as good as the original, let alone top it?

Cronenberg was the master of psychological horror, and with The Brood, he mixed shock with multiple underlying themes perfectly... I can't see anyone doing the depth of that movie any justice, let alone the MPAA allowing such disturbing visuals and themes to be in theaters in this day and age.

Hollywood is proving again and again that it's devoid of any kind of creativity or fresh thinking, and soon there will be nothing left that isnt remade, re-imagined, updated, or re-launched. Unreal.
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