Michelle Obama Gives Excellent Reasons to Vote for Barack Obama

Michelle Obama gave a speech in South Carolina last week. I haven't seen the video of the speech, however, the content of her speech is powerful. Kudos to Black Women for Obama for sharing the full text of her speech. She gives good background information on her husband.

At one point, Sis. Obama lays out a powerful statement that hits home with me for a variety of reasons:

Ask yourselves: of all the candidates, who will fight to lift Black men up so we don’t have to keep locking them up; who will confront the racial profiling and Jena justice that continues to afflict this nation; the voter disenfranchisement that rears its ugly head every few years; and the redlining that persists in our communities, keeping prosperity out and hopelessness in. Who will use the bully pulpit of the presidency to call on Black men to accept their responsibility and raise their children; who will refuse to tolerate Corridors of Shame in this country – of all countries? The answer is clear – Barack Obama. Not because of the color of his skin. Not because of what he’s said. But because of what he has done. How he has lived his life. Fighting for justice for all Americans; from all walks of life.

I'm still amazed that Black women have any difficulty understanding the unique historical opportunity that exists. First, the perfect storm exists for the Democratic presidential candidate to sweep into office next November. Therefore, the big decision is who will win the Democratic primary ... Obama, Clinton or Edwards. This is the first time in the history of our country that an African American is a legitimate and QUALIFIED candidate for the presidency. Why are Black women hesitant to throw their full support behind this man and his family?
Villagers, why are Black women hesitant to support the Obamas?

I've never been much of an Oprah Winfrey fan before. However, I am hopeful that her four major campaign appearances on Dec 8-9 for Barack Obama in Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina will provide women of all colors a reason to re-consider their support of Hillary Clinton. Women should't vote for the first woman president, they should vote for what they need. I think that America needs Obama. Villagers,What say u?
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