Manic Monday: Peace

Peace is the Manic Monday meme word. The timing for this particular word is excellent. It gives all of us an opportunity to express our support for Mimi Lenox's Dona Nobis Pacem initiative, also known as Blog Blast for Peace.

Blog Blast for Peace isn't a contest. It's a fun, easy and meaningful way to creatively express your thoughts on peace in tandem with other bloggers all over the world. Non-bloggers are likewise invited to participate. Email your submission to Mimi: and admire the Peace Globes rotating through the blogosphere on June 6, 2007.

I am hopeful that many villagers will take a moment this week to ponder what PEACE means to you, your family, your community, your nation and our world. If you believe that war, strife and turmoil can be defeated -- if you advocate peace -- why not sign a Peace Globe to express it? Just go to Mimi Writes to learn more.

Some claim that there are One Million Blogs for Peace and there are many who Blog for Peace.

Most posts about PEACE focus on George Bush's war in Iraq. However, I think it is important to recognize that there are wars in other parts of the world as well. One of the most devastating conflicts is taking place in Darfur. The emergency in Sudan’s western region of Darfur presents the starkest challenge to the world since the Rwanda genocide in 1994. A government-backed Arab militia known as Janjaweed has been engaging in campaigns to displace and wipe out communities of African tribal farmers.

Villages have been razed, women and girls are systematically raped and branded, men and boys murdered, and food and water supplies targeted and destroyed. Government aerial bombardments support the Janjaweed by hurling explosives as well as barrels of nails, car chassis and old appliances from planes to crush people and property. Tens of thousands have died. Well over a million people have been driven from their homes.

Mukesh Kapila, the former United Nations humanitarian coordinator for Sudan, said that the violence in Darfur is "more than a conflict, it's an organized attempt to do away with one set of people." The U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum issued its first ever genocide emergency. John Prendergast of International Crisis Group warns, "We have not yet hit the apex of the crisis."

Lives are hanging in the balance on a massive scale. This is an issue that we will devote more time to in the coming days & weeks. For now, I appreciate the Manic Monday meme for giving us the chance to think a bit about PEACE.

Do you have any comments on Darfur, Iraq, Blog Blast for Peace or Dona Nobis Pacem?
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