Remake Heaven or Hell- An American Werewolf in London

Another one bites the dust...

It was bad enough when some asshole decided that An American Werewolf in Paris was a great idea for a sequel, but with news of the impending An American Werewolf in London remake, I've officially resigned myself to the fact that Hollywood just doesn't give a shit anymore.

No doubt the remake will boast lazy CGI, replacing the Academy Award winning FX of Rick Baker that made the original so great. That's right; it won an Academy Award!

Better than CGI.

My only question is how is Dimension going to ruin this one for us? Make it edgy and dark, forgoing the black humor which made the original work so well? Maybe they'll make the 2 backpacking tourists chicks? How about a pack of CGI werewolves instead of just one? Maybe cater to the pre-teen Twilight crowd by casting a bunch of shirtless tween actors to pout at each other for 90 minutes?

Any way you slice it, this idea just sucks. Me no happy.

Release Date: Too soon
Rating: Probably PG-13

Verdict: Dimension can blow me.

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