A quick review of Parasomnia

My first instinct was to put this one in the "DO NOT WANT" bin and forget about it, and I'm not a fan of doing that unless necessary, but... to write a review for this blog takes between 2-4 hours worth of prep work, research, creating, editing, googling/IMDB'ing, blah, blah, blah... so when a movie sucks or even kinda sucks, it's hard to muster the energy to put into reviewing it fully... hence why the "DO NOT WANT'S" of the world get such a brief treatment.

So here is a "Quick" version of a real review for Parasomnia, because it's not quite a DO NOT WANT.

In this sinister twist on the Sleeping Beauty legend, an innocent beauty suffering from a rare sleep disorder falls victim to a menacing mesmerist and serial killer who draws his vast arsenal of hypnotic weaponry to take control of her fragile psyche.

The Good/Decent-
-The acting was ok, but the script was pretty bad and didnt give anyone much to work with.
-Jeffrey Combs is always fun to watch. He flat out rocks.
-The serial killer (Volpe) was pretty cool. He's played by Patrick Kilpatrick who is one of my favorite character actors, and he's great here. I can't believe he's 60 years old!
-Cherilyn Wilson was pretty good, and also hot. She looks awesome naked.
-The gore was fun.

The Bad-
-Goofy, goofy, goofy. Cheesy at times even.

The Downright Horrendous-
-The CGI was pretty bad.
-The whole thing where he breaks her out of a mental hospital with ease was just lame, as was a lot of what came after.
-The ending... LOL

Grade- C- Some people will like it, some won't at all. I'm just not sure which of those I am.

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