The week in Guilty Pleasures.

We do a weekly post about the movies we wish we'd avoided (DO NOT WANT), so why not do one spotlighting the movies that we actually liked when we thought they'd end up sucking?

Dark Rising- This one is a cheesy, sexy, often times humorous, lesbian kiss filled fun time. I should have hated everything about this movie but I liked it. I couldn't help it!

The 10 reasons that I liked this movie:

#1- Cute chicks.

#2- Sapphic love. With this, you can never go wrong.

#3- Awesome boobs.

#4- A crazy rubber demon.

#5- Hot D&D warrior chicks with swords and knives.

#6- Christian of WWE Wrestling fame. He was pretty damned funny.

#7- This scene made me LOL.

#8- This little girl was awesome.

#9- Half naked chicks karate fighting.

#10- "He's standing right behind me, isn't he?"

This was surprisingly fun to watch, so grab a copy and check it out when you get the chance.
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