The Vampire Diaries

Another tween-vampire romance mess? Do we need a weekly Twilight rip-off, as if it isn't bad enough that Twilight exists? I like how it "borrows" from not only twilight, but True Blood as well... psychic abilities, the black best friend of the main girl character... oh whatever, they're not going for fresh or original, so why bitch.

Do all vampires in the modern era do nothing but mope around, stare blankly and try desperately to find love while fighting their true nature? Are there any ugly vampires, or are they all Abercrombie models? Why do they all feel the need to go to High School?!?!?

Fine, I get that these fake ass vampire stories are based on young adult book series and there's a market for them, etc... but does no on see how painful they are to watch other than me? Do young girls get how non romantic these stories really are?

To rant anymore is pointless, but I had to get at least some of it out. All I'll say is that unless you're 14 and lonely, watch at your own risk!

*Addendum- It took a reader of ours, Purgatori, to remind me that this sho had a good point too... The hotness of Nina Dobrrev. Thanks P, I owe you one.

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