It happenened again. During the 36th week of the year we had the 35th taser-related death in America. This time it was Aurora (CO) police officers that used their taser at least twice on 38-year old Shane Ledbetter. [SOURCE]
Ledbetter died yesterday in an area hospital where he had been since being taser-shot by police on Thursday. Police were serving a warrant on someone else when Ledbetter ran away. Two officers chased Ledbetter through the park to a grassy area near a canal on the park's western edge, police said, where they ordered him to stop.
When he refused, an officer used a Taser on him, but the man continued to struggle so the officer used the Taser again.

Police said after the officers subdued Ledbetter and tried to take him into custody, he started to have some sort of medical problem and was unresponsive. Officers began CPR on the man and radioed for paramedics who took the man away in an ambulance.
Police detectives are investigating the case and will turn their findings over to the Arapahoe County District Attorney, who will make a determination on what charges will be filed.
The Arapahoe County Coroner's Office is scheduled to perform an autopsy on Ledbetter early this week.
Villager's Voice: I have no idea why Ledbetter decided to run away. His sister says he was 'spooked'. He wasn't the subject of the police action in the home where he was found. Perhaps it was a guilty conscience for prior illegal acts. It doesn't much matter to me ... the penalty for running away from the police IS NOT DEATH. Why is our nation accepting these taser-related deaths that continue on a weekly basis? When will the Justice Department or Congress or the Surgeon General get engaged in this epidemic?
I encourage all villagers to use our online petition to contact your congressional representatives about these taser deaths.