2 "non-horror" quickies...
SOLSTICE- It's mostly uneventful and light on scares, but somehow I managed to enjoy this one. Think a hipper, sleeker Lifetime movie that doesn't star Meredith Baxter Bernie, and that's basically Solstice in a nutshell. I love the story and the cast, and the "Twist" was pretty interesting as well. Had it been the least bit scary, I'd have given it the full review treatment.
Rating- As a horror movie I'd give this somewhere in the C range, but as a movie in general it gets a B. It's well made, well acted, and interesting if not very scary. You could do way worse than checking this one out, so give it a go if you get the chance.
THE KILLING ROOM- Now this is an interesting and taut little thriller, packed with a great cast (sans
Nick Cannon), a very interesting premise, and a few nail biting moments that definitely hold your attention.
Chloe Sevigny is as talented as she is hot, and
Timothy Hutton is just as solid here as he always is. It's also nice to see
Nick Cannon shut up for once. Please feel free to continue the trend,
Rating- If you like guessing games and tons of atmosphere, then
The Killing Room should be right up your alley. I give this one a
B despite its lame ending, because it's a good flick overall and makes for a nice watch.