Solo Review- Scar 2-D/3-D

Scar 2-D/3-D
Sub-Genre- Torture Porn

In Attendance
- Solo!

Cast Members of Note- The ever-creepy Angela Bettis, and the cutie with the cool name, Kirby Bliss Blanton.

Kirby... In't she cute?

What's it about?
- A couple of easy, weed smoking girls decide to go watch the local mortician masturbate one night, but instead find that he enjoys torturing people to death instead. Realizing there's no weed in it for them, one of the girls sucks the creeps guts out with an embalming tool, and steals his cigarettes.

The easy girl grows up and comes home years later, and we find out that she's less hot than she was at 17. She also appears to be insane, and of course gets blamed when dead kids start showing up all over town, tortured the same way she was as a child. Freaked out, she returns to the funeral parlor where it all began, looking to steal more cigarettes.

Virginia Slims? Dammit!

I wont ruin the end here, but suffice it to say that she gets no more cigarettes, and cuts off her own thumb.

The Good- Scar has the distinction of being the first ever HD 3-D movie in the history of the horror genre, Horror in 3-D I'm not sure about; it does make the nasty uncomfortable stuff more in your face though. What about DVD though? There better be cool glasses included!

Though I only got to see it in 2-D, this one was better than I thought it was going to be heading in; it was a bloody, gory, visceral and often times uncomfortable movie to watch, all which bode well for horror. This movie took no prisoners when it came to the torture porn aspect of things, and for that I say bravo.

It had its misgivings, mostly in the way that it allowed itself to get caught up in stereotypical genre trappings that made me roll my eyes, but overall it was a fun ride. The plot was fairly interesting, although the "Game" the killer played will no doubt draw comparisons to

The Bad
- Oh come on, not the old "You've got to believe me" routine!!! Even better... "It's finally over!" And my personal favorite; the whole "It was only a dream" thing. Ugh.

The Downright Horrendous
- Finally, we get a non-stereotypical black guy in a horror movie, and he still buys the farm. To make it worse? They cut off his peener. Will it never end?

The Gory- If the amount of blood and twisted violence in this movie aren't enough for you, then you probably shouldn't be allowed around children. Or pets. Scar is wet with the crimson splendor, and the torture is not only plentiful, but you get to see it all. Nasty goodness!

That had to hurt.

The Naked- We get to see some boobies!

Best Line- "Bishop... oh Biiishop!" (You'll understand when you see it.)

What did we learn?- Never trust the creepy loner. Also, it's never "just a dream", although sometimes it is. But not really.

- C This one had a ton of blood and gore, and was great visually; unfortunately, when it fell back on genre cliche' a few times throughout, it lost some of its impact. I say see it, just know it's not perfect.

Final Thoughts- This movie contains some hot chicks. Several, in fact, and in various stages of hotness.

Bettis is a cutie.
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