Remake Heaven/Hell- Friday the 13th

Lets get this out of the way first; this movie in no way needed to be remade. It's a classic in it's own right, launching a franchise that helped to define an entire genre, and creating one of the most recognizable icons on the planet:


To remake, re-imagine, regurgitate, re-whatever this horror classic is in many ways pointless... This is the era of bland, PG-13 remakes, which in most cases seriously take a crap directly on the films that they're trying to "Give us a new take" on.

That being said, I'm holding out some pretty high hopes for this one.

Says producer Brad Fuller-

None of our (Platinum Dunes) remakes have been PG-13. How do you remake a rated R horror movie and take the guts out literally and figuratively? What is F13 without sex, drugs and a really, really long sharp machete? And why would we, horror fans ourselves, produce a movie devoid of the things that made the title so appealing in the first place. So let me say for the record, that the F13 that we start shooting this Thursday is a full bodied, rated R film."

"It has insane kills that will be shown in all their glory- it has a group of college students who drink and even have sex. We are betting that if we don’t hold back that the audience will reward us for being bold in a time when some horror movies are playing the ratings game. So we embrace the R-rating Friday the 13th will have, and hope you will too."

Could it suck? Sure. To be honest though, there are a few of the F13 sequels that were pretty bad anyways, the series wasn't perfect... I will say the following however:

- The Comic-Con teaser footage was pretty damn good.

- Derek Mears take on Jason looked pissed off and very aggressive in the trailer, and was creepy as hell.

- Platinum Dunes made the TCM, TCM: The Beginning, and The Amityville Horror remakes which were pretty good. The Hitcher sucked though.

- Brad Fuller promises us blood and sex... which is what F13 is all about. It seems as if he actually cares what horror fans think, although that sure doesn't explain The Hitcher.

- There are some pretty hot chicks in this movie:

Which one do you think will survive until the end?

Like I said, I'm holding out hope for this one, as all the right elements to be in place. Screw the MPAA, make this movie make us hearken back to the days of gory slasher flicks with naked sluts getting what they deserved, and we just may have a winner. I guess we will find out come February.

Release date- Friday, February 13th, 2009

Rating- R

- This one may just go to Remake Heaven!

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