The Day Before the Top 31 Begins... The Honorable Mentions

The Horror Club presents:

The 31 Days of Horror!

What is about to unfold over the course of the next 31 days will not be a perfect compendium of each decade's horror films; the order as well as the inclusions and exclusions of certain films could be argued for days. Weeks. Forever even... and we would still not be able to make a truly 100% definitive list of the genres best offerings.

What we can do, and what we will do beginning tomorrow, is offer 31 of the best horror films from the 70's, 80's, 90's, and 2000's, and pay them homage. One post with one movie from each decade per day, until we get to the best movie that each decade had to offer us.

Before we do that though, let's take a moment to mention a few movies from each decade that got left off of the lists, but certainly could have made them. For the record, each decade had more than 5 movies that deserved honorable mention, the 80's being the craziest; I swear I had a list of 21 movies from the 80's that didn't make the top 31 cut.


The Honorable Mentions:

The 70's
The Horror Express- I can still hear the creepy theme song in my head.
Magic- Dolls are freaking creepy. Another genre movie by Anthony Hopkins! (Audrey Rose)
Salo- I include this because it may be the most disturbing movie ever filmed. Google it.
The Stepford Wives- The story of my dating life.
Trilogy of Terror- The Zuni Fetish doll... seriously one of the creepiest things ever filmed.

The 80's
Demons- Another Argento classic. He may not have directed this, but it has his name ALL over it.
The Entity- One of the creepiest ghost stories I've ever seen.
Fright Night- The 3rd best 80's vampire movie. You'll see the others soon enough...
The Lady in White- One of the most underrated/unknown ghost stories ever made. Proof that a "PG" horror movie can actually work.
Scanners- Cronenberg's 6th best movie, it has one of the most iconic scenes in horror history.
Silver Bullet- An absolute sentimental fave.

The 90's
Bordello of Blood- Ok, not the best movie, but what a great bunch of vampire fun!
The Craft- One of the better "teen horror" movies of the 90's.
Cronos- Del Toro is a master film maker. End of story.
In the Mouth of Madness- Clive Barker... Where has he been?!?
The Ugly- An underrated gem.

The 2000's
House of Wax- Paris Hilton gets murdered... need I say more? A surprisingly good flick.
May- A great little movie that you May not know about. See what I did there?
The Mothman Prophecies- For some reason, this one gives me the willies.
Undead- A fun, funny zombie flick from down under!
Vacancy- Far from perfect, this one had me creeped out for most of it. The ending could have been better though.

And because we didn't include anything earlier than 1970, we definitely owe these classics at least a mention...

The 60's
The Birds
Black Sabbath
The Haunting
Night of the Living Dead
Rosemary's Baby
Village of the Damned
Wait Until Dark

The 50's
The Blob
Creature from the Black Lagoon
Godzilla, King of the Monsters
Horror of Dracula
House of Wax
The House on Haunted Hill
Invasion of the Body Snatchers

1900- 1949
Cat People
Dracula (1931)
Frankenstein (1931)
The Mummy
Nosferatu The Vampire
Phantom of the Opera
The Wolf Man

See you all tomorrow, with Day One!
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