It didn't take long for the police and medical examiner in the taser-related killing of Richard Battistata to publicize that his cause of death was a 'cocaine overdose' [SOURCE].
The powers-that-be want us to believe that the 50,000 volts of electricity that were jolted into his body by the taser had nothing to do with it? Evidently so ... Medical examiner Dr. Coreen Stern ruled that a taser had nothing to do with the death 44 year old Richard Battistata.
Villager's Voice: The cocaine overdose cases that I see on television show a person that is in convulsions ... shaking ... spittle flowing from their mouth. None of this was observed by Police Officer Thelma Hernandez or witnesses when Battistata was being confronted as a burglar. Officer Hernandez confronted the guy ... used her taser ... and Battistata died. Yet, the police are quick to blame the "druggie" and deflect any responsibility for the loss of this man's life.
The powers-that-be want us to believe that the 50,000 volts of electricity that were jolted into his body by the taser had nothing to do with it? Evidently so ... Medical examiner Dr. Coreen Stern ruled that a taser had nothing to do with the death 44 year old Richard Battistata.
"The ME results of the autopsy are just one element of the investigation. The P.D. and chief office would like to re iterate no stone will be left unturned."The three officers (Hernandez, Duncan Jalomo and Jaime Rodriguez) involved in the arrest remain on administrative duty pending the outcome of the investigation.
Villager's Voice: The cocaine overdose cases that I see on television show a person that is in convulsions ... shaking ... spittle flowing from their mouth. None of this was observed by Police Officer Thelma Hernandez or witnesses when Battistata was being confronted as a burglar. Officer Hernandez confronted the guy ... used her taser ... and Battistata died. Yet, the police are quick to blame the "druggie" and deflect any responsibility for the loss of this man's life.