Quick Review- Offspring (2009)

Time for a quickie on this one, as the plate is over full this week...

I've never read any of Jack Ketchum's novels, but The Girl Next Door and Red were both really great movies, that each struck a twisted nerve in me.

Offspring is not as good of a film as the previously mentioned others, but it was good in its own right. Extremely brutal and gory, Offspring is the story of a bunch of cannibal kids that break into peoples houses, stab them, torture them, kill them, and take their body parts home for food. The movie had a kind of Hills Have Eyes vibe to it if you will.

When I say extremely brutal, I mean it. There is a scene of chew rape in this movie. Think about those words. Chew rape. Yeah. That's nasty. This one is definitely for the gore hounds.

Most of the characters act as if they are mentally impaired in this movie, aside from the young son who pretty much uses his head and thinks rationally, and actually saves lives. A lot of their actions made little sense and frustrated me to the point of yelling at them, but if you can look past that, the rest of the movie was fairly fun.

This movie has earned its grade of C. Totally middle of the road.
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