I was driving around town yesterday to do some chores. While I was flipping through the stations to find something to listen to on the radio a song came on that knocked me down. I never heard the song before. I never heard of the group that sings the song. In fact, I came to the channel after the song was already in progress ... so all I had was the song itself.
Through the magic of the Internet I was able to locate the 'Clean Up' song performed by The Canton Spirituals.
I have no idea what you'll think when you hear this song ... I do hope that you'll give a small prayer for me as you listen! [James 5:16]
Your Villager has a wide smile on his face. It is overwhelming to realize that God ain't finished with me yet! [1 John 1:9]
Through the magic of the Internet I was able to locate the 'Clean Up' song performed by The Canton Spirituals.
I have no idea what you'll think when you hear this song ... I do hope that you'll give a small prayer for me as you listen! [James 5:16]
Your Villager has a wide smile on his face. It is overwhelming to realize that God ain't finished with me yet! [1 John 1:9]