Happy Birthday President Barack Obama

Since his historic election, President Obama has been inundated with a barrage of venomous criticism. From the first cries calling for the failure of his administration by Vitter and Limbaugh to the media critique of his handling of the BP oil spill, his critics are unequivocal in telling us that he can do no right.

An overwhelming number of Americans elected President Obama and millions still support him, but too many of us do so silently. If the progressive agenda we elected the President to achieve is to be successful, we must help the President achieve it. We cannot allow the media to report from negative positions without challenge. Just as others demonstrate their hatred and disrespect of President Obama, we must actively demonstrate our support.

We call on ALL who support President Obama to take action.  Today ... on August 4th ... the President’s birthday, we ask those who support him to wear any campaign item from the Presidential election as a demonstration of our ongoing support. Bring out your old campaign paraphernalia.

If you don’t have caps, buttons or tee shirts, wear a red, white, and blue tri-color ribbon or clothing on August 4th. If nothing else, this simple demonstration of support for our President will provide a counteraction to the negativity that spews forth daily. We can do this. YES WE CAN. YES WE WILL.
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