The Plot: A little girl who witnesses a mass murder of other kids grows up to be an acting student and finds herself being drawn back to the scene of the slaughter... all for the sake of acting school. Once her improve troop arrives at the creepy mansion, the evil ghost of the child killer starts dispatching everyone in site, using computers. That all really happens.
This movie could have been kick-ass, but as it is, it's more along the lines of "not bad." Dark House definitely fills the gore quota, is mildly witty and fairly entertaining, but in the end it felt a bit too cheesy to fully enjoy.
So the evil spirit of the child murderess possesses the computer of the people setting up in the house... fine. The fact that every few minutes the film cuts to a scene of her spinning around or vibrating wildly in some sort of cyberspace (for lack of a better term) was not fine, it was really out of place and killed any hopes for mood that the film had.
Jeffrey Combs was fun as he always is, but his wit and quirky deliver wasn't enough to make the movie truly humorous, and it tried too hard to be amusing that it never really felt like much of a creep-fest. I'm not a fan of confused or middle of the road type movies, and this one felt like both.
It's very possible that it's just me, and this type of horror flick just isn't what I like; I can admit that personal preference doesn't always jibe with the quality of something, but while it didn't suck, Dark House just didn't do much for me.