The Week in "Do Not Want!"

These movies aren't horrible per se, but they frustrated me enough to add them to the bad list...

Stan Helsing- I guess if you like Scary Movie or Meet the Spartans, then this movie will be funny to you. I hate those kinds of movies, so this one fell mostly flat. I can give the filmmakers some credit, on some level, for trying to make a fun horror spoof, but it really wasn't that funny, or all that good. I mean, the kid from Good Burger? He's not funny. What a waste of Diora Baird and her awesome assets. Some will like this movie, I just won't ever be one of them.

Crush- I'm not sure what they were going for with this movie, but it wasnt until the last 5 minutes that the "scary" stuff actually began. It's not a bad movie, as it's fairly well made, it's just more of a case of too little too late. It's also a case of following a boring, predictable formula. It did have some hot Aussie chicks in it though, which was nice, and the creepy FX towards the end were fun, it was just really bland overall.
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