November in Review

Let's face it, November wasn't a great month for horror at the box office or on DVD. There were however a few goodies amongst the not-so-good...

At the Box Office we got:
-The Box was interesting, Though a little bit far out there, and we love Cameron Diaz.
-I didn't see The Fourth Kind, but a few of the rest of us did, and they weren't so keen on it.
-2012 is what it is, and I am personally a sucker for movies with mass apocalypse in any form. It was eye candy if nothing else.
-The Twilight Saga: New Moon... continues the proud tradition of setting feminism back by decades, and caters to bewildered and clueless girls that think these crap movies portray love in a realistic light.
-The Road is the gem of the month by far. Viggo in a post apocalyptic world... how can you not love that. Review later this week.

On DVD we got:
Own it- Near Dark (Blu-Ray), Summer's Moon, Thirst, The House on Sorority Row
Rent it- The Echo, Hurt, Train, Vampire Party, The Witches Hammer
Skip it- Basement Jack, The Canyon, Contagio, Slaughtered Vomit Dolls
Rent it or Skip it, we can't decide- Taintlight (LOL), Thankskilling (Double LOL)
The ones we haven't seen- Vampiro, Mutants, Night Watcher, Penance, House of Fears

December looks to be another quiet month for horror, though DVD will see some nice releases in District 9, Carriers, 9, Paranormal Activity, Pandorum, and, um, Jennifer's Body.

Also, the end of the year and the decade is upon us, so stay tuned to relive the best and worst of both. That's right, best of/worst of lists!

*Make sure to check our Release Date List to stay up to date on what's coming out and when.
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