Our tradition is to highlight every 100th blog added to the Villager's Black Blog Rankings (BBR). In the past we shared links to the 800th, 900th, 1000th and 1100th blogs added to the BBR.
Today, we are pleased to announce that The True Urban Queen is the 1,200th blog added to the BBR. Sharon Rainey created this blog in January 2008. Sharon is mother of two, author, entrepreneur and (like most sisters!) a shoe addict. Sharon gave insights into her blog when she wrote, "As many of you know this is my personal diary. I may blog about a celebrity or an event going on but, for the most part it is all about me and mine."
I encourage all villagers to take a moment to visit with The True Urban Queen (BBR #516). Perhaps we can convince her to add the Electronic Village to her blogroll...