HBO's True Blood- Ep. 4 & 5

The 31 Days of Horror have been keeping me pretty busy here on the blog, but I need to cover what's happened in HBO's True Blood, even if it is a brief post. The following covers episodes 4 and 5.

The show is getting better with each episode, and I'm actually waiting for each Sunday night to find out what happens. Knowing a bit about the books, a very little bit mind you, it makes me appreciate the show even more; Who Sookie is and exactly what she can do; the Queen of Louisiana and Bill; the role that Sam plays; witches, were-beasts, and shifters... they're all coming soon. It's good stuff that makes me anxious to see more.

What I liked:
The effects that taking V has on the human body (both the good and the funny.)
The Aids hamburger. Loved it!
Seeing how Bill fist became a vampire.

What I didn't:
The eggplant penis and the needles. OUCH.
Sam. He's a tool.
The creepy "Sniffing of the sheets."

What shocked the HELL out of me!:
The ending of episode 5... who in the hell saw that one coming?!?!? WOW.

I love the show so far, and I'm glad it already has been signed for a second season for Summer 2009.
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