Cincinnati Blogs

I was leaving a Cincinnati pub today after an interesting business meeting when I saw a local publication called CiN Weekly. Blaring headling on the cover of the paper said, 'Blog On!' with a feature article entitled: 'A Few Good Blogs: Online Reading That's Worth Your Time'. Of course, I picked up a copy of the magazine and checked it out.

The feature article is on six unique local-area blogs. I encourage you to read the full article for details on all six. The three that found a kindred spirit in the Village were:
  1. Radio Free Newport: Sociologist, musician and blogging veteran Dave Purcell has spent four years writing about the impact of race and class on the country and Greater Cincinnati.
  2. Rockin' Hejabi: Nur Jemal, mother of three, posts about what life is like as a music-loving Muslim mom living in Florence. Truth to tell, Nur has a second blog called Heartland Hejabi that I liked even more.
  3. The Nati: If you think there's not much to do or nothing good happening in Greater Cincinnati, Joe Hansbauer will tell you otherwise.
It turns out that there are over 500 Cincinnati blogs currently in cyberspace. Much love to the six that were featured in Cin Weekly. I imagine that each of us looks to get our 15 minutes of fame here in the blogosphere. I noticed one common denominator for each of the featured blogs was longevity. Each has been working their blog for years. I started this one about two months ago ... so I have a long way to go.

In any case, I'm wondering if you have a comment on which Cincinnati area blog you think should be featured as one of the best next time?
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